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Dragon Skin Leptoseris

Dragon Skin Leptoseris


Green Flesh that looks as though its been sprinkled with glitter!

A hardy encrusting coral with modest care requirements. Prefers low to moderate light low to moderate flow.

Frags will be on a standard frag plug.


Care Requirements Checklist


· Care level


· Lighting

low to medium

· Water Flow

low to medium

· Feeding


· Salinity

1.023 – 1.025

· Temperature

24 – 27°C

· Calcium (Ca)

400 - 450

· Magnesium (Mg)

1250 -1450

· Carbonate Hardness (kh/dkh)


· Phosphate (Po4)

0.03 – 0.3

· Nitrate (No3)

1 – 10

· Origin

CCC's UK coral farm

Out of Stock
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